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Military Aviation in 1960

pictures of

U.S. Marine Corps pilots demonstrate YRON-1 "rotocycles," one-man helicopters, at Quantico, Virginia.

F-104A Super Starfighters, with West German markings, fly over the Mohave Desert, California, in 1960. After completing training, the German pilots returned to their country as instructors in the operation of the planes, several of which were sold to the West German Air Force.

Old and new fighter planes of the British Royal Air Force fly together in September during a celebration of the 20th anniversary of the "Battle of Britain." From bottom left to top right: Hurricane, Spitfire, Meteor, Hunter, Javelin, Lightning.

A U.S. Navy A4D Skyhawk with a multiple bomb rack that was added to the plane in 1960.

T-38 Talon supersonic training planes at Edwards Air Force Base, California. The new planes entered service with the U.S. Air Force Air Training Command in 1960.

An A2F-1 attack bomber, which was being produced for the U.S. Navy in 1960.

See Also

In the Year 1960
F-104A Super Starfighter

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The Robinson Library >> Air Forces and Air Warfare >> Equipment and Supplies

This page was last updated on 09/09/2018.