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Asoka Pillar

National Symbol of India

Asoka Pillar

India's national emblem is a rendering of a sculpture erected by the Emperor Asoka in the third century B.C. The emblem shows three lions mounted on an abacus decorated with a bull, a wheel and a galloping horse. Below it appear the words "truth alone triumphs."

Asoka ruled the Maurya Empire from about 272 BC until his death in 232 BC. Public announcements by Asoka have been found inscribed on great rocks and stone pillars throughout India. In these inscriptions, Asoka asked his people to treat one another with justice and mercy and urged toleration of all peoples and beliefs. People and animals were not to be harmed unless it was unavoidable.

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The Robinson Library >> India >> General Information

This page was last updated on September 27, 2018.