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The Robinson Library >> Andrew Jackson's Administration

General Jackson on his favorite horse

Andrew Jackson was a rugged individualist who enjoyed gambling and racehorses. The son of poor Scotch-Irish immigrants, he grew up on the frontier of the Carolinas among people who were ready to fight at any time to defend their honor. Quick to fight and never willing to give up easily, Jackson was a natural soldier. He served in the Revolutionary War at the age of 13, and was held prisoner by the British for a brief time. He won fame as an Indian fighter and as a general in the War of 1812, and was nicknamed "Old Hickory" by his fellow soldiers because of his toughness.

Chronology of His Life and Career

  March 15, 1767 Born in Waxhaw settlement, on the border between North and South Carolina.
  1780 Joined the mounted militia of South Carolina.
  1783 Taught school for a short time near Waxhaw.
  1787 Admitted to the bar.
  1788 Appointed Solicitor for the region that now forms Tennessee.
Rachel Jackson August 1791 Married Mrs. Rachel Donelson Robards.
  January 17, 1794 Remarried Mrs. Robards.
  1796 Bought Hunter's Hill.
  1796 Served as a delegate to the Tennessee State Constitutional Convention.
  1796 Elected to the U.S. House of Representatives.
  1797 Appointed to the U.S. Senate.
  1798 Elected to the Tennessee Supreme Court.
The Hermitage 1804 Bought The Hermitage.
  1806 Killed Charles Dickinson in a duel.
  1813 Led 2,500 Tennessee militiamen to and from Natchez, Mississippi.
Battle of Horseshoe Bend March 27, 1814 Defeated the Creek Indians in the Battle of Horseshoe Bend.
  1814 Captured Pensacola in Spanish Florida.
Battle of New Orleans January 8, 1815 Defeated the British in the Battle of New Orleans.
  1817 Defeated the Seminole Indians of Florida.
  1821 Appointed Provisional Governor of Florida.
  1823 Elected to the U.S. Senate.
  1824 Defeated for President by John Quincy Adams.
President Andrew Jackson 1828 Elected President of the United States.
  December 22, 1828 Rachel Jackson died.
  1832 Re-elected President.
grave of Andrew and Rachel Jackson June 8, 1845 Died at the Hermitage.


From Revolution to Reconstruction
The Hermitage
The North Carolina Encyclopedia

See Also

Revolutionary War
War of 1812
South Carolina
Rachel Jackson
The Hermitage
Battle of Horseshoe Bend
Battle of New Orleans
John Quincy Adams

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The Robinson Library >> Andrew Jackson's Administration

This page was last updated on August 30, 2018.