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The Robinson Library >> Brazil >> History
Oswaldo Aranha

jurist, government official, diplomat

Oswaldo Aranha

Chronology of His Life and Career

Born in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, on February 15, 1894.

Studied in Paris, France, and at the Law School of what is now the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Received his Bachelor's Degree in Law and Social Sciences from the latter in 1916, after which he practiced law in Rio Grande do Sul.

Died in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on January 27, 1960.

Mayor of Alegrete
elected in 1926

Member of the National Congress
elected in 1928

Secretary of State (Governor) of Rio Grande do Sul
October 9, 1930 - October 26, 1930

Minister of Justice and Interior Affairs
November 3, 1930 - December 21, 1931

Minister of Finance
November 16, 1931 - July 24, 1934

Ambassador to the United States
1934 - 1938
In this position he gained recognition as a strong supporter of Pan-Americanism.

Minister of External Relations
March 15, 1938 - August 23, 1944
Played a large role in the Rio de Janeiro Conference of 1942, during which he announced that Brazil had cut all diplomatic ties with Nazi Germany.
Was also a leader in the establishment of the United Nations.

President of the United Nations General Assembly
1947 - 1948
He postponed the General Assembly's vote on the Partition Plan for Palestine in order to ensure its passage.

Minister of Finance
June 16, 1953 - August 24, 1954

Minister of Agriculture
June 8, 1954 - June 28, 1954

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The Robinson Library >> Brazil >> History

This page was last updated on September 14, 2018.